F*** the Pakis!

NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Three explosions ripped through New Delhi within minutes of each other Saturday evening, killing at least 55 people.
The date can be different; the city could be less sensational than the national capital New Delhi but the message that the Pak-based terrorists send out each time to the Indian government and yes to you..and me..indeed every Indian citizen is the same. That we are all eunuchs, capable of doing nothing. Others may come into our homes and do what they want. We will make momentary noise before the press, give a demarche to the Pak High Commissioner at most, maybe even bring up the matter meekly before Uncle Sam and before we all know, its off the front pages. Public memory and more so, the media's memory is very short.
We the people have our own problems; rising prices of onion; work related tension; everything else except concern for the nation. Chillingly and brutingly put u may call it, but the fact is you dont realise what terrorism is unless it comes home to you. Ask George W Bush. So happily we will wait and this wait is never gonna end. Meanwhile we'll live upto the Indian Credo of "Atithi Devo Bhava" even though the atithi is a SOB and has nefarious designs.
I am not a right-wing nationalist. I am not a secularist - no , neither a true secularist nor do i practise the secularism practised by the Indian politicians. I am neither a radical nor a bloody peacenik.
I am an Indian.
And my blood boils everytime there's a blast - be it in Kashmir or the Indian Parliament or a cinema or wherever!
And i do nothing more than just bite my lips and let the momentary anger disssipate.
I know we cant..we simply cant have an out and out war with the Pakis. They have almost the same toys as we do and are capable of wreaking as much upon us as we can upon them.
The very simple effect of this deterrent on either side is that while we declare a no first use policy they happily know Indian will never have the balls to even displace a hair off their head. So they launch intrusions into Kargil; disfigure and mutilate the bodies of our soldiers gorge out their eyes and even do their own soldiers the ultimate indignity of disowning them after death. No damage done, we say we wont the war and whats more we lost fewer soldiers than they did.
Emboldened by their partly successful mission, they now have the gumption to attack the seat of Indian democracy and power, the Indian Parliament. An attack on the Parliament should be deemed to be an attack on the Indian state...which means the enemy...yeah the Pakis had declared a war on us...which mean we as a nation were at war..which means we shudve bombed the daylights out of them.
But then, India being India and our politicians being what they are would not even think of such an 'outrageous' respone leave alone go about doing that.
Just try throwing so much as a stone on an Israeli soldier doing his 'duty' in the Gaza Strip..you would be taught what 'response' means..As a nation we are meek and submissive; aggressiveness is lacking in our psyche just as nights lack sunrays. Asking our political bosses to take stern and defintive responses each time is liking pouring water on a duck's back..
Cant write any more..wont write anymore..wont serve any purpose.
a big surprise...
I never knew Vivek had any strong view about anything but i am proved wrong...
Though I don't agree with you fully I appreciate the flow of..(should i say emotions or sheer rationality)
btw good work keep it up...i am a regular visitor here and its good to see some written words coming out....
Saraf u have more or less expressed what the youth of this nation feels bout the policymakers.
Article is really moving
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